However I feel like it’s important to include it as it compiles the best mods ever created for Skyrim in terms of character looks.

Either make it an item usable at any time, a visitable barber shop somewhere or a magic mirror like the one from DA2.

Horses in Skyrim are boring excluding Shadowmere and Arvak.Certain Creation Club mods have tried to remedy this small issue, but Saturalia's Holiday … Skyrim Character Creation Mods Pc. When you install this mod, the female character will be replaced for not only the player, but also all NPCs in the game to a more natural, but curvy shape that’s lore friendly. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. For The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on the Xbox One, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Character creation mods". The mod is also compatible with most armor mods. SkySight Skins for male body model and textures. Extended Slider Colors for much more colour options. This mod contains a bunch of visual presets for faces with each race during character creation. Edit source History Talk (0) This category contains pages on all mods for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that aim to customize the player character (PC) or non-player characters (NPCs). This is a fantastic mod for players that want to have less harsh looking character models without messing with a bunch of sliders for an hour. This is a life-saving fallback if you're combating broken mods that have unintended consequences, accidentally preventing you from completing main story quests for one reason or another. Beards for nice beards and Brows for nice eyebrows. These two have more female hairstyles but the male hairstyles are great as well. Character Creation Overhaul brings back what we loved in morrowind and oblivion, character stats matters again ! These are all the mods I … CBBE is one of Skyrim’s most well known mods, and stands for Caliente’s Beautiful Body Enhancer.