Simio simulation crack
Simio simulation crack

These models vary in complexity and are more suitable when certain conditions are met. There are many approaches to how cracks propagate and how to study them. This is a fascinating topic, especially in delicate and expensive industries, where cracks are tolerated but controlled, such as the Aerospace or Nuclear Industry ( I talked a bit about this in my latest post). Many engineering students know when things will break (when we reach the breaking stress when applying force, displacement, pressure.), but not many know what happens after when that breaking, a crack, propagates (neither did I before I started this thesis). Two algorithms were used to develop and study the crack: Separating Morphing Adaptive and Remeshing Technology (SMART) and Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT) Fracture Mechanics

Simio simulation crack

This study has used ANSYS as the software to perform Finite Element Analysis. My work tried to validate the experiments conducted on a Tampered Double Cantilever Beam ( TDCB) polymeric specimen using the ANSYS simulation software's tools: first the S.M.A.R.T and then the V.C.C.T. This research aims to separate the energy needed to create the new surfaces that a crack represents from the energy destined to deform the polymer plastically. on "Crack Growth in filled and unfilled Polymeric Materials: Separation of Surface Energy and Irreversible Deformation Energy" by Wei Li. The project was developed parallel to a current Ph.D. This program offers students the chance to work while doing their mandatory research project, mainly in foreign countries. All of this was possible thanks to the "Internship + Bachelor Thesis" program developed by IQS School of Engineering. Gerhard Kalinka's supervision and developed my Bachelor Thesis: Validation of Crack Propagation in Polymeric TDCB Specimen by Means of ANSYS Crack Simulation Model. I had the chance to work in Division 5.3 Mechanics of Polymers, where I worked under Dr.

Simio simulation crack Simio simulation crack

BAM is a public research center in Berlin specializing in material science, which response directly to the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy from the Federal Republic of Germany. From March to July, I had the opportunity of working in BAM (Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung).

Simio simulation crack