At the center of the room is a pool of blood. Within the Hall of Ablution are four statues - a man atop a horse, a pack of male beggars, a hooded woman, and a beautiful woman in a fine dress and hat. This includes the Hall of Ablution on the Second Floor of the building, near Lady Dimitrescu's private chambers (where she can be heard screaming about the death of Bela). HALL OF ABLUTIONĪfter moving through the Courtyard and the door near the Courtyard gates, you'll find a new section of the Castle to explore. If you're spotted, run as fast as you can into another area of the map - preferably the Duke's shop area located in the Main Hall, as they won't follow you into this area. Take note, however - killing Bela and making your way into the Courtyard will mean Lady Dimitrescu and her other daughters will start hunting for you and will try to murder you should they find you in the halls. Take the bottle, and return to the Wine Room - unlocking a small room containing the Courtyard Key, which opens up an entirely new area of the House. After defeating her, you'll find a kitchen - containing the bottle of Sanguis Virginus in a pot of blood.

After making your way through the Dungeons and the Hall of War, Bela will find you and force you into a Boss Battle. It requires a special bottle to be placed within it to activate.

There are a few crafting supplies to be found around the room, but the most notable element is an ornate silver wine bottle holder.

While making your way around the Second Floor of the Main Hall, you'll discover the Wine Room, unlocked.